Youngmin Chu

Picture of Youngmin Chu
Alumni MPC Population Studies Trainee
Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Research Interests

Gender and Work, Future of Work, Labor Market Policy, Policy Evaluation, Work Flexibility, Health Inequality



Youngmin Chu, a Ph.D. student in Public Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, is dedicated to studying gender and economic inequality. Her focus encompasses labor market issues, including discrimination and policy impacts on women's employment and wages. She takes into account various intersecting inequalities like race, ethnicity, class, and education among women.
Her current research centers on the impact of technology on gender disparities in the U.S. labor force, forming the core of her dissertation. Beyond technology's influence, she also examines the connections between labor market discrimination and mental health, alongside the nuanced effects of labor policies on employment, wages, and health in the United States and Korea.