Vishal Jamkar is a Ph.D. candidate at Humphrey School of Public Affairs. He joined the MPC as a Population Studies Predoctoral Trainee in 2021.
His research interests cover caste studies; development economics; agrarian studies; and population studies, specifically migration. In his dissertation, using a mixed methods approach, he explores how land reform policies and anti-caste land rights movements in India impacted rural populations across caste profiles.
Vishal is an experienced development professional in project planning, implementation and policy advocacy in the theme of Economic Development and Social Justice in one of India's largest non-profits, PRADAN. He is passionate about mentoring young development practitioners. He has been a consultant to Government of India and Chhattisgarh state government on economic development. He has mobilized funding and led projects with TATA Trust, DFID, Oxfam, UNWomen, and Government of India.
Jamkar, V. (2022). Caste and Gender Discrimination in Urban Labor Market in India. Poster presentation at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Conference 2022.
Assaad, R., Boustati, A., Jamkar, V. (2022). Cash Transfer and Food Vouchers for Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Do They Reach the Multidimensionally Poor? Working Paper presented in the Policy Dialogue Conference “Social Policy in Jordan '' co-organized by the Economic Research Forum & The Phenix Center for Economics and Informatics Studies.