Sarah Wahby

Picture of Sarah Wahby
PhD Student and Graduate Assistant
Research Interests

I'm interested in migration, particularly forced displacement and irregular migration in present day as well as slave trade in the past. I have done work on Syrian refugees labor market outcomes during the pandemic as well as the trends of trans-Saharan slave trade in the 19th century.


I use quantitative data to research policy evaluation questions in the areas of rural development, labor market, and forced migration with a special focus on the Middle East and North Africa region. I am also interested in measurement error and survey design research. Before starting my PhD., I worked at the J-PAL MENA office in the areas of finance and youth employment. I also worked on the capacity building of the first team and the office in its early days. I hold a master’s degree in Development Economics from Paris 1 - Sorbonne University and a BA in Economics from Cairo University.