Rachelle Hill

Lead FSRDC Administrator
U.S. Census Bureau
Associated Projects

I started working at the MPC as a graduate student with the Flexible Work and Well-Being Center in 2007 under Dr. Phyllis Moen and Dr. Erin Kelly. In 2011-2012 I spent a year as an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellow with the MPC before graduating with my Ph.D. in Sociology in 2012 and my MPH in Epidemiology in 2014. I am currently the Lead FSRDC Administrator at the U.S. Census Bureau.

As an FSRDC Administrator, I assist researchers in securing access to non-public datasets available in the Census Research Data Center. My research examines how work and family intersect to influence individual well-being across the US population and how social structures produce unequal outcomes in these areas. My dissertation used ATUS-X to examine how the amount of time individuals spend in healthy behaviors and with family is related to the Great Recession and unemployment.