Quinn Heimann

Picture of Quinn Heimann
Data Analyst
Research Interests

I am interested in using geographic modes of thinking to better understand social and demographic change. This includes how environmental or social shocks in certain spaces lead to different migration outcomes. I am also most interested in European and Southeast Asian geographic areas.


I am geographer working with the IPUMS International Project at the Institute for Social Research and Data Innovation. I came to the Minnesota Population Center as an Undergraduate Research Assistant working with linking women in STEM careers in the 1940 US census backward through time. I then took a position with the IPUMS CPS project as I completed my Bachelors Degree in Geography. Now with IPUMS International, I study the changing administrative boundaries from one census year to another. My work at ISRDI mostly deals with harmonizing this changing geography and creating a consistent geographical footprint across time and space. My research interests include visualization of census microdata from several countries with a special focus migration patterns and health outcomes.