Polly Gwan

Picture of Polly Gwan
Resident Physician
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Research Interests

My research interests focuses primarily on the perinatal health experiences and outcomes of marginalized birthing individuals. I aim to understand and address the structural determinants of health contributing to severe maternal morbidity and mortality particularly for BIPOC women. Additionally, I am interested in researching abortion inequities and their implications of BIPOC women. Through my research, I hope to create communities where women of color and their families can not only survive, but thrive.


Anwei “Polly” Gwan is an OB/GYN resident physician at the University of Minnesota Medical Center. In addition to her medical degree, she received her public health degree with a focus on Behavioral and Community Health Sciences at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans. Passionate about maternal health equity and reproductive justice, she aspires to integrate her public health and medical background to enact population-level impact through community-based policy work, interventions, and research. She strives to be a leader and change-maker, utilizing her unique skill sets to advocate and address systemic barriers affecting the reproductive health of marginalized women to improve access and quality of care on a national and global - level.