I have a broad background in non-communicable disease etiology and epidemiology, with particular emphasis on the pathways from physical activity and dietary factors to chronic disease risk. My training in exercise science, physical activity and nutritional epidemiology, as well as experience in clinical trials, has positioned me very well to study and intervene on biological, behavioral, and environmental targets underlying non-communicable diseases throughout the lifespan. My research is trans-disciplinary and spans from small controlled trials to large-scale epidemiologic cohort studies. Currently, I am a MPI on an NCI-funded trial (R01) to reduce sedentary behavior in adults, and I am a Co-I (site subcontract PI) on another trial funded by NIDDK (R01) to assess the physiological and behavior impact of drinking diet soft drinks, compared to water, in adults with type 2 diabetes. I am also MPI on two NIH-funded intervention studies examining the role of a walking intervention in modulation of the gut microbiome in adults with prediabetes (R21), and the feasibility of a yoga intervention to reduce sedentary time, blood pressure, and stress in African American Women (R34). I teach Nutritional Epidemiology and mentor numerous MPH, PhD, Postdoctoral students and junior faculty.