Kriszta Farkas

Picture of Kriszta Farkas
Post-Doctoral Associate
Epidemiology and Community Health
Research Interests

I am a social epidemiologist by training with a broad range of research interests centered around improving population health overall and more specifically reducing social and racial inequities in health. My work has examined the health effects of various forms of violence, including police violence, community violence, and child maltreatment, with health outcomes ranging from injuries caused by police to reproductive health consequences such as preterm birth and pregnancy-related weight gain. A second line of work focuses on studying the impacts of national- and state-level policies (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic-related policies, criminal justice reform policies, etc.) on health and health inequities.


I am a social epidemiologist by training with a broad range of research interests centered around improving population health overall and, more specifically, reducing social and racial inequities in health. My work has examined the health effects of various forms of violence, including police violence, community violence, and child maltreatment, with health outcomes ranging from injuries caused by police to reproductive health consequences, such as preterm birth and pregnancy-related weight gain. A second area of interest focuses on studying the impacts of national- and state-level policies (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic-related policies, criminal justice reform policies, etc.) on health and health inequities. Currently, I am a Post-Doctoral Associate working with Dr. Susan Mason in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. My work with Dr. Mason involves studying the influence of early life adversity on pregnancy-related weight outcomes in the Life-course Experiences and Pregnancy (LEAP) cohort.