Karen Donohue

Picture of Karen Donohue
Curtis L. Carlson Endowed Chair in Supply Chain Operations
Carlson School of Management
Research Interests

How supply chain activities can be structured to improve environmental and social outcomes. Utilizing novel ecommerce grocery delivery models to support SNAP recipients in a cost-effective manner. Embracing social networks within immigrant communities to increase scale economies for grocery delivery.


Karen Donohue is an expert in supply chain management and behavioral operations. Her current research examines methods for coordinating inventory and distribution decisions across supply chains, with special interest in aligning supply chain activities to improve environmental outcomes. Her research is often conducted in concert with partners from industry and governmental organizations, with recent examples including 3M, Best Buy, MNTap, and Medtronic. 

Professor Donohue serves as Academic Director of the Masters of Science in Supply Chain Management Program (MS SCM) at the Carlson School and teaches courses in Behavioral Operations (Ph.D.), Logistics and Transportation (undergrad and MS SCM), and Supply Chain Operations (MBA core). She holds B.A. degrees in Mathematics and Economics from St. Olaf College, and a M.S. and PhD. in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from Northwestern University.