Julia D. Interrante

Picture of Julia D. Interrante
Research Fellow and Statistical Lead
Rural Health Research Center
Research Interests

My research examines the effects of policy on maternal health outcomes and on access to maternity care services. I have specific focus on geographic and racial equity, and my research includes topics such as disparities in severe maternal morbidity and mortality, changing access to rural maternity care, and the impact of payment policies on maternal and postpartum care.


Julia D. Interrante, PhD, MPH, is a Research Fellow and Statistical Lead at the University of Minnesota’s Rural Health Research Center. She holds a MPH in Epidemiology from Emory University and a PhD in Health Services Research from the University of Minnesota. Her research examines the effects of policy on maternal health outcomes and on access to maternity care services with specific focus on geographic and racial equity, and includes topics such as disparities in severe maternal morbidity and mortality, changing access to rural maternity care, and the impact of payment policies on maternal and postpartum care.