Jiuchen Deng

Picture of Jiuchen Deng
Ph.D. Candidate, Applied Economics
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant
Research Interests

I am an applied microeconomist whose research focuses on population health and education outcomes in the developing and developed countries. I study the impact of electronic waste on children’s health in Ghana and I also causally examine the mechanisms of the impact. Professor Audrey Dorélien and I coauthored papers that investigated population health outcomes. One of them quantified social contact patterns during the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home order. Another project examined the impact of political tendency on masking behavior during COVID-19.

I am interested in studying education outcomes in the developing and developed countries as well. One of my papers estimates the formation of cognitive and noncognitive skills, with a focus on the cross-effects of mathematical education on noncognitive skills measured by the Big-5 personality traits. I also work on a
coauthored project with Yue Bao, who is a Ph.D. student in Economics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, that examines the impact of ethnic minority peers’ composition on students’ cognitive and noncognitive outcomes.