Hyunjae Kwon

Picture of Hyunjae Kwon
Alumni MPC Population Studies Trainee
Graduate Research Assistant, Sociology
MPC Primary Research Areas
Research Interests

1) Family Demography 

2) Social Stratification 

3) Work 

4) Life course 


Hyunjae is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology with a focus on gender, family, work, and the life course. He joined the MPC as a Population Studies Trainee in the fall of 2021.

Hyunjae’s research interests in the intersection of gender, family, and work and the impact of parenthood throughout the life course originate from his personal experiences and a social policy course he took while studying abroad in Sweden. He is currently working as a graduate research assistant on Ann Meier and Rob Warren’s project about how changes in family structure perpetuate or ameliorate inequality.