I am currently a graduate RA with the IPUMS International team, this is my second year with IPUMS-I, it is also my second year in the PhD program at the Department of Applied Economics. In addition to my work on many population census data with the IPUMS-I team my own research for the PhD is also aligned with population studies. My second-year paper is on the effect of household size on child quality in Egypt and the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). I am particularly interested in how female labor force participation affects fertility in the MENA region and child quality outcomes.
I am a PhD student in the Department of Applied Economics. My research interests include development economics, food security, labor, conflict, and education. This includes hands on experience with field work, data collection and randomized development interventions in the MENA region, the GCC, and Sub-Saharan Africa. I am currently affiliated with the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Minnesota Population Center, and the Economic Research Forum.