1. Health disparities
2. Communities and neighborhoods
3. Psychological and physiological health
Bria is a Developmental Psychology PhD student in the Institute of Child Development (ICD)with an interest in the precursors to and consequences of community-level adversity. She joined the MPC in 2021 as a Population Studies Predoctoral Trainee.
Bria is working on her first-year project which examines childhood adversity and other known risk factors (e.g., financial well-being, mental health) for academic troubles. She is also the student investigator for a project she proposed examining associations between community violence exposure, coping, and stress reactivity. In addition, she is a graduate research assistant for the Moving to Opportunity study with Dr. Theresa Osypuk and the High School and Beyond study with Dr. John (Rob) Warren.
Gresham, B. (May 2021). A Scoping Review of Structural and Intermediary Determinants of Health and Health Inequities in the ACEs Literature: Where Does the Story Begin? Flash talk presented virtually at the 33 rd Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention.
Gresham, B., Karatekin, C., Mason, S., Riegelman, A., Bakker, C., Hunt, S., & Barnes, A. (April 2021). Ready, Set, Go? Researcher Recommendations for Translating Findings on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) into Action. Poster presented virtually for the biennial Society for Research in Child Development conference.
Gresham, B., McManus, B., & Stavrinos, D. (April 2021). Interactive Effects of Neighborhood Safety and Screen Time on Adolescent Psychosocial Adjustment. Poster presented virtually for the biennial Society for Research in Child Development conference.