Previous MPC Interdisciplinary Fellows


Adam Negri
Department: History of Medicine
Advisors: Jennifer Gunn
Research Center: MPC
Faculty Mentor: Evan Roberts
Title: Self-Assessed Brain Trauma: Insights into TBI-related Research Paradigms from Returning WWI Veterans’ Health Records


Solvejg Wastvedt
Department: Biostatistics
Advisors: Julian Wolfson
Research Center: MPC
Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Liebler
Title: Probabilistic representation of complex social identities from electronic health data


Rania Madani
Department: Anthropology
Advisors: Drs. Karen Ho and David Valentine
Research Center: MPC
Faculty Mentor: Jack DeWaard
Title: What does it mean to be a refugee when you never left your home? Conflict, Global humanitarianism, Gender, and the Making of Refugeeism


Brittany Krzyzanowski
Department: Geography, Environment & Society
Advisors: Dr. Steven Manson & Dr. Somayeh Dodge
Research Center: MPC
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Susan Everson-Rose & Dr. Paul Drawz
Title:Dynamic Geovisualization for Public Health: Identifying the Causes of Cardiovascular Disease



Sarah Catherine Billups, Sociology
“Home of the Free, Little Pink Houses: Singles' Home Purchases after 2008“
Advisors: Doug Hartmann and Teresa Swartz
Faculty Mentor: Theresa Osypuk

Haema Nilakanta, Statistics
“Improved Methods for Sampling Hard to Reach Populations with Applications to Public Health and Population Research“
Advisor: Zack Almquist
Faculty Mentor: Eva Enns


Anne Kaduk, Sociology
"Women Returning to Work across the Life Course: Who Does It, Why, and What Do They Return To?"
Advisor: Phyllis Moen
Faculty Mentors: Colleen Flaherty Manchester, Joseph Ritter


Carrie Henning-Smith, Health Services Research, Policy & Administration
"Disability and Living Arrangements in Later Life"
Co-Advisors: Tetyana Shippee & Donna McAlpine
Faculty Mentors: Phyllis Moen & Ben Capistrant

Jack Lam, Sociology
"Hedging Risk in the Face of Precarious Employment: Examining the Job Insecurity-Health Relationship"
Advisor: Phyllis Moen
Faculty Mentor: J. Michael Oakes

Jim Saliba, Sociology
"Power, Race, and Equity: Governance Structure Changes and K-12 Educational Opportunity in the United States"
Co-Advisors: Ron Aminzade & Rob Warren
Faculty Mentor: Joe Soss


Aine McCarthy, Applied Economics
"The Impact of a Family Planning Program on Contraceptive Uptake and Fertility Decisions"
Co-Advisors: Deborah Levison & Paul Glewwe
Faculty Mentor: Ann Meier


Kasey Keeler, American Studies
"The Invisibility of American Indian Suburbanization"
Co-Advisors: Jean O'Brien and Brenda Child
Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Liebler

Gerald Shannon, Geography
"Paths Through the Food Desert: Food Procurement Practices in Low-income Urban Neighborhoods"
Co-Advisors: Helga Leitner and Steven Manson
Faculty Mentor: J. Michael Oakes

Sarah Shannon, Sociology
"Paths Through the Food Desert: Food Procurement Practices in Low-income Urban Neighborhoods"
Advisor: Christopher Uggen
Faculty Mentor: Steven Manson


Michel Boudreaux, Health Services Research, Policy & Administration
"Birth, Death, and Marriage: The Effect of Medicaid on Population Composition"
Advisor: Donna McAlpine
Faculty Mentor: Steven Ruggles

Rachelle Hill, Sociology
"Time in the Great Recession: The Impact of the 2008/2009 Economic Recession and Unemployment on Time Spent in Healthy Behaviors and with Family Members"
Advisor: Phyllis Moen
Faculty Mentor: Deborah Levison


Polina Sheldeshova, Family Social Science
Advisor: Catherine Solheim
Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Liebler

Christine West, Applied Economics
Advisor: Joe Ritter
Faculty Mentors: Erin Kelly & Fran Vavrus

Xi Zhu, Sociology
Advisor: David Knoke
Faculty Mentor: Pinar Karaca-Mandic


Margaret Charleroy, History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Advisor: John Eyler
Faculty Mentor: Steven Ruggles

Benjamin J.S. al-Haddad, Epidemiology & Community Health
Advisor: J. Michael Oakes
Mentor: Rob Warren

Kyle Walker, Geography
Advisor: Helga Leitner
Faculty Mentors: Donna Gabaccia & Ross Macmillan

Seth Werner, Education Policy & Administration
Co-Advisors: Gery Fry & Fran Vavrus
Faculty Mentors: Steven Ruggles & Yanjie Bian


Misty Heggeness, Applied Economics

Karen Kramer, Family Social Science

Johanna Leinonen, History