Spatial demography; Food security; Climate change; Population studies
Ruthie is a PhD student in Geography with a focus on spatial analysis, food security, and climate change. She has previous training in Epidemiology and GIS from Johns Hopkins University. She joined the MPC in 2019 as a Population Studies Predoctoral Trainee and graduated from the training program in 2022.
Ruthie’s research interests center around understanding the spatial dynamics of climate change and food security. She is specifically interested in concentrating on populations that are most vulnerable to climate change, yet are located in regions that lack access to resources to appropriately respond to climate hazards. She also has experience in local food systems research in Baltimore, MD, and is passionate about translating research into practical applications leading to positive societal change.
Burrows, R., Lupolt, S., Evenson, B., Santo, R., Kim, B., & Nachman, K. (2019, May). “Climate Change Mitigation Through Urban Agriculture: Assessing the Potential Capacity of Agricultural Production in Baltimore.” Poster session presented at the Johns Hopkins mini-symposium, Changing By Degrees: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC.
Burrows, R. “The Future of Agriculture in Ohio in the Face of Climate Change”, Fall 2017. Ohio State Master Gardener Annual Summit, Ohio State University