Elizabeth Heger Boyle Honored at PAA Awards Ceremony

Picture of Dr. Boyle

Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Minnesota Population Center member and Professor of Sociology, received the Harriet B. Presser Award at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The biennial award honors her record of sustained research contributions to the study of gender and demography.

Dr. Boyle is dedicated to explaining and promoting women’s rights to health and freedom from violence. Her work introduced gender into the Sociology of Globalization and shaped current understandings of how institutional conflicts influence policies and their impacts. The data infrastructure she pioneered, IPUMS Global Health—with thousands of users and over $15 million in funding—democratizes access to women and children’s health data, unleashing innovative new streams of cross-national comparative research. Boyle has also shaped a new generation of gender and population scholars and policymakers around the world through her award-winning mentorship of graduate students. The Presser Award recognizes Dr. Boyle’s contributions to understanding, and improving, women’s health.